„Dimitrie Cupovski“ 13, 1000 Skopje +38923244000 ic@mchamber.mk

Group for Weapons, Explosives and Dangerous Materials, Pyrotechnic Devices, Military and Civil Equipment

The Trade Association within the Economic Chamber of Macedonia detected a need to promote activities related to manufacturing and/or trading weapons, explosives and hazardous materials, as well as military and civil equipment. Several companies launched an initiative to form a separate Group for Weapons, Explosives and Hazardous Materials within the Association, and on 23 March 2016 held the constitutive session where the Group was officially established.

The Group’s focus is on advancing overall operations in this field and tackling current issues. It achieves this by adopting conclusions and proposing measures of common interest to its member companies, in the framework of regulations and good business practices. In addition, the Group plans to review draft-laws and other regulations, to give opinions and suggestions embodying its members' interests, and to launch initiatives aimed at amending or modifying regulations.

Mr. Dimitar Mangutov, manager of the company DiManCo - Skopje has been elected president of the Association, and Mr. Jovica Gjurcic, manager of the company Specijalna oprema - Skopje. The founding members also elected a management board and appointed representatives whose task is to defend the interests of all members of the Group in the field of: trade in hunting/sporting weapons, ammunition, explosives and hazardous materials; trade in pyrotechnic devices and fireworks; trade in special-purpose items (ammunition and military equipment); theoretical and practical trainings for handling weapon and training grounds to be used by civilians; production of weapons and equipment, and concessions over hunting grounds and hunting associations.

⮞ Dimitar Mangutov,  President, DI MAN KO, Skopje

⮞ Jovica Gjurichikj,  Vice president, SPPECIJALNA OPREMA, Skopje

⮞ Vladimir Gligorovski, AS KOMERC, Gostivar

⮞ Vladimir Simoski,ARSENAL, Struga

⮞ Goran Treneski, ICEMAK, Skopje

⮞ Kostadin Pop-Kostov, OGNOMETIKA, Skopje

⮞ Panche Popovski, MICEI INTERNACIONAL, Skopje

⮞ Sabrina Georgievska Angeleska, TARGETS, Skopje

⮞ Tome Asardjiev, AS-TO, Strumica

Contact person: Sasho Despotoski
Associate at the organizational unit for member representation and networking of the Professional Service

Telephone: + 389 2 3244089
E-mail: saso@mchamber.mk