„Dimitrie Cupovski“ 13, 1000 Skopje +38923244000 ic@mchamber.mk


Azeski for USA TODAY: Key Points on the Private Sector, Regional Trade, and the Future of Economy


 The President of the Economic Chamber, Branko Azeski, gave a 30-minute interview for the daily newspaper USA Today emphasizing points such as:

1.     Role of the private sector in boosting regional trade.

2.     Challenges and opportunities for micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises.

3.     Promoting North Macedonia as foreign investments destination.

4.     Digital transformation and innovation in the private sector.

5.     North Macedonia and the United States of America.

The interview marks the 40th anniversary of establishing diplomatic relations with the USA and will be part of a broader report on the country, highlighting economic development and the strategic partnership between N Macedonia and the USA.

New meetings and cooperation were agreed upon for the upcoming period.

With an audience of 2.6 million readers, USA TODAY is a leading newspaper in the USA.