„Dimitrie Cupovski“ 13, 1000 Skopje +38923244000 ic@mchamber.mk

Group of Construction companies

 Companies performing activities in the field of designing and construction of buildings are members of the Construction Group.
Construction companies design and build different types of infrastructure buildings (highways, bridges, and airports), civil construction buildings (residential, public and industrial facilities) and buildings in the field of hydro construction (dams, tunnels, irrigation systems, water supply systems, sewage systems with wastewater treatment plants, etc.). Also, the companies prepare expertise and studies, investment programs, as well as organization of the construction of complete facilities (engineering) and expert-technical supervision over the performance of investment facilities in the country and abroad.
The Construction Group functions since 24.7.2006.
The Group acts through analysing the construction legislation, taking initiatives and making proposals for its amendment, treating the issues regarding the work force in construction, protection at work, organizing educational seminars and undertaking other activities of interest of the companies – members.


The share of the added value of the construction in the structure of the gross domestic product in the last ten years ranges from 5% to 7%.
In 2018, 4,938 companies were active in the construction sector representing 6.8% of the total number of active business entities in the Republic of North Macedonia. The largest number of companies are companies with 1 - 9 employees (80.5%), 10 - 19 employees (5.6%), 20 - 49 employees (3.9%), 50 - 249 (1.2 %) and with over 250 employees 0.2%.
The number of employees in the construction sector is 56,263 workers, which represents about 7,4% of the total number of employees at a state level.

⮞ Ljupcho Boraniev, BORTAS, Skopje

⮞ Nikola Velkovski, INKOM ENGINEERING, Skopje

Legislation in Construction

Law on Construction – (“Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia“ No. 130/2009, 124/2010, 18/2011, 36/2011, 54/2011, 13/2012, 144/2012, 25/2013, 79/2013, 137/2013, 163/2013, 27/2014, 28/2014, 42/2014, 115/2014, 149/2014, 187/2014, 44/2015, 129/2015, 217/2015, 226/2015, 30/2016, 31/2016, 39/2016, 71/2016, 132/2016, 35/2018, 64/2018 and 168/2018).
Law on Physical and Urban Planning - (“Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia“ No. 199/2014, 44/2015, 193/2015, 31/2016, 163/2016, 64/2018 and 168/2018).

Contact person: Biljana Peeva Gjurikj
Operations Director for Member Representation and Networking

Phone: + 389 2 3244034,
Cell: 072 236 710
E-mail: biljana@mchamber.mk