„Dimitrie Cupovski“ 13, 1000 Skopje +38923244000 ic@mchamber.mk

Group aggregates, concrete and asphalt

Within the Association of Construction, Building Materials and Non-metals Industry, on 8.02.2012, a Group for aggregates, concretes and asphalts is established.

The purpose of the establishing of the Group is primarily, the more expressed need of organized activities and education of the participants in the production of the final products, i.e. concrete and asphalt, while respecting the provisions of the legislation on construction products, and the implementation of the adopted European standards in the construction and production of building materials in our country.

Mr. Nikola Krajcevski from Granit, Skopje is elected for president of the Group of aggregates, concretes and asphalts.


In the exploitation of aggregates are active more that 100-150 companies that have concessions for exploitation of more than 100 sites, around 100 companies are producing concrete and/or concrete products and around 10 companies of asphalt.
Basic law that regulates issues of construction area is a “Law on construction products” (Published in the Official Gazette of RM No. 04/2015, 192/2015, 53/2016 and 120/2018).
In order to ensure proper implementation of the Law on construction products, preparation of sub-laws with inclusion and consultation with the business sector is needed.

Priority program activities of the Group of aggregates, concretes and asphalts
- Informing the members about the EU standards for construction products from harmonized area and the prepared Macedonian standards for construction products from non-harmonized area
- Active participation in the preparation of regulation in the field
- Perceiving the working conditions of companies in this sector and proposing solutions for their improvement
- Cooperation with the Standardization Institute of RSM and the line ministries
- Draft for preparation of Guide or Manual for operation for the needs of aggregates, concretes and asphalts production

Contact person: Biljana Peeva Gjurikj
Operations Director for Member Representation and Networking

Phone: + 389 2 3244034,
Cell: 072 236 710
E-mail: biljana@mchamber.mk