„Dimitrie Cupovski“ 13, 1000 Skopje +38923244000 ic@mchamber.mk

Group for markets

Markets Group is established on 20.12.2005.

It deals with analyzing and solving the problems of the organizers of markets in terms of modernization and improvement pursuant regulations.
At a meeting held on 09.02.2011, the president of the Group is elected Mr. Blagoj Davitarov of PE markets - Bitola. For poptrpetsedateli were selected Ljupce Lazevski - JK Derven, Veles and Dimce Kolev PE Isar Stip.


Group markets unites more than 50 companies, Special Public companies exclusively engaged in business markets or are part of public utilities within municipalities.

Contemporary ones problems that organizers are still seeking a solution to the existing illegal trade and the informal economy. Seeking to bring the Law on trade from small scale that they think will solve more problmei that now face in the work. for this purpose are kept active discussions between the organizers of the markets - Ministry of Economy and other relevant state institutions.

Group markets 18.09.2008, held session discussed the current activities undertaken and contract actions for further implementation of the green fiskalizacijata markets in Macedonia.

In the extensive discussion at the session were adopted findings and conclusions, which also proposes to hold a meeting with Mr. Besimi, Minister of economies in order to highlight the problems faced by markets (organizers of the market) in the consistent implementation of fiscalisation of green markets.

* Year 8.05.2007 - Discusses the activities surrounding the operation of the retail markets fiskalization

Contact person: Daniela Mihajlovska Vasilevska
Project manager in the Professional Service

Phone: +389 (02) 3244021
Cell: 072 220 037
E-mail: daniela@mchamber.mk