„Dimitrie Cupovski“ 13, 1000 Skopje +38923244000 ic@mchamber.mk
The Macedonian Mining Association - MAR was formed with the aim of uniting the companies that perform geological research, exploitation and processing of mineral resources in the Republic of Macedonia.
Macedonian Mining Association – MМА is established with the aim to unite the companies which perform the exploitation and processing of mineral resources in the country. MМА is striving to represent and protect its members` interest, in front of the institutions on national and European level, expanding of cooperation with other associations, in order to propose solutions for dynamic, stable and independent economic growth on longer period.
President of MMA is Mr. Ivica Talevski, SASA- Makedonska Kamenica.
Honorary President of MMA is Mr. Nikolajcho Nikolov, BUCHIM - Radovish.
⮞ Ivica Talevski, President, SASA, Makedonska Kamenica
Mineral resources are of considerable significance to the economic, technological, and social development. They are necessary for the manufacturing processes, as well as for obtaining final products in several industries (metallurgy, metalworking and electrical engineering, construction, energy, traffic).